
Kollin Health

Creating engagement between doctor and patient


Amid the New Normal, face-to-face doctor-patient consultations have taken a backseat. Nonetheless, Kollin Health provides a hassle-free solution by enabling doctors to offer online consultations while prioritizing patient comfort.

Get more patients and still work less hours

Arrange more health consultations in a shorter period of time. Acquire more patients from various locations across Indonesia.


Saving up 98% rather than build from scratch

Save on costs with Kollin Health. In just 2 weeks, the application, entire system, and marketing kit will be ready for use in your clinic.


Security & Privacy Guaranteed

Kollin Health utilizes a robust security system, ensuring the privacy of patient data and your clinic is securely protected.


Do what You Do Best & Let Us Do the Res 

Kollin Health is a solution for clinics seeking to expand their business through digital systems. Our team will assist in streamlining and implementing telemedicine for your convenience.


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